2A Self Defense has permanently closed all FFL services effective 12/31/2022.
Domain Names For Sale:
2aselfdefense.com $500
2asd.biz $500
Serious inquiries only.
Vigilantia pretium libertatis
2A Self Defense has permanently closed all FFL services effective 12/31/2022.
Domain Names For Sale:
2aselfdefense.com $500
2asd.biz $500
Serious inquiries only.
Ownership of a Firearm of any type is incumbent upon the owner/operator to learn every facet of responsible operation. We endorse the following training facilities in the Monterey Bay area, and have plans to open our own instruction facility in the future.
831Shooter – Mr. David Wasson – Marina, CA
455 Reservation Road Suite C
Marina, CA 93933
Phone: 831-883-3307
Email: 831shooter@att.net